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When these men and women wanted to make a change in their new country,
the odds were stacked against them.
It was a VERY BIG change and MANY people didn't believe they could do it,
but they never gave up. They worked together to come up with ways to improve
their situation and end British tyranny over them in the new world.

Isn't it amazing what people can do when they make a commitment
and work together to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others?

To complete this webquest, I would like for you to think about the characteristics that
helped your significant figure accomplish his/her goals and think about the hardships
he/she faced.

Then I would like you to think about something in the world around you that you would like
to change. It could be something very big that affects our
country or the world or something small that affects only you, you and your family,
or you and your friends.
In your everyday journal, explain what it is you would like to change and why.
Then list two or three things you can do to help bring about that change.

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